On Sundays at the cellar, our winemakers welcome you!A great opportunity to visit us, taste our wines and Crémants d'Alsace, and chat with those who bring our cellar to life! Sunday opening: 10am-12.30pm & 2pm-6pmOther eventsExhibitionExhibition of the month!DETAILSExhibitionThe King's lionDETAILSAppointmentsLa Cave Christmas MarketDETAILSAppointmentsChristmas at the cellarDETAILSAppointmentsTelethon at the CaveDETAILSNewOur bottles have a new look!DETAILSEventWINE sales NEWDETAILSExhibitionNonna'RtDETAILSEventOpen house and summer eventsDETAILSExhibitionRaymond KaagDETAILSExhibitionTatiana SuleckiDETAILSExhibitionKrolgribouilleDETAILSEventFood Trucks evening: Saturday, May 18!DETAILSEventSOLD OUT Dago'Concert: Dr Boost! SOLD OUTDETAILSExhibitionPapous à Dago' (Papuans in Dago)DETAILSNewPet'Nat: exclusive to the cellar!DETAILSAppointmentsChristmas 2023: the markets where we'll be present!DETAILSChristmasBig Advent game on Facebook and Instagram!DETAILSExhibitionExhibition of the monthDETAILSEventApéro'Dago - Autumn wines and flavours - 17/11/23 7:30pmDETAILSEventStreet Bouche Festival - 09/30 and 10/01 in StrasbourgDETAILSEventApéro'Dago - wine, charcuterie and new wine - 29/09/23 7:30pmDETAILSEventMarché d'Automne - Rothgerber Fruit Farm - October 7DETAILSAppointmentsFascinating weekend: Olivier's rendezvous - 21/10/23 at 11am, €16DETAILSDiscoveryTrophy of the Dry Wine 2022 at the World of White WinesDETAILSDiscovery70th anniversary vintageDETAILSAppointmentsOlivier's appointments: wine and cheese tastingDETAILSEventOpen House - Sunday, July 9DETAILSEventMarathon du Vignoble d'Alsace 2023DETAILSEventApéro'Dago: wine and cheeseDETAILSComing soonDaGo'Concert outdoors on April 29DETAILSEventApéro'Dago: Thai and Asian food and wineDETAILSDiscoveryGrand Show of Fruits and Vegetables of AlsaceDETAILS