Our general conditions of sale

1. Field of application

Les prĂ©sentes conditions s’appliquent Ă  la vente des produits de la Cave du Roi Dagobert commercialisĂ©s par ALLIANCE ALSACE dont le siĂšge social est situĂ© 16 rue des Tuileries – 68230 Turckheim sur son site Internet www.cave-dagobert.com.Nos offres sont exclusivement destinĂ©es Ă  la clientĂšle particuliĂšre Ă  l’exclusion des revendeurs professionnels. La langue du prĂ©sent contrat est la langue française et toutes les transactions sont rĂ©gies par le droit français. Tout litige qui n’aura pas trouvĂ© d’accord Ă  l’amiable relĂšve du Tribunal de Colmar.

Before placing an order, the customer is invited to read these terms and conditions of sale, only their acceptance by clicking on the tab provided for this purpose allows to place the order. The general conditions of sale can be modified without notice.
It is therefore important to consult them before placing a new order.

2. Legal information

- Minors: the ordinance nr 59-107 of January 7, 1959 and the law nr 74-631 of July 5, 1974 prohibit the sale and offer of alcoholic beverages to minors and assimilated persons.
By accepting the general conditions of sale by clicking on the tab provided for this purpose, you acknowledge having legal capacity and being 18 years old.
- Data protection: the information requested at the time of the order is necessary to carry out the delivery and to establish the invoice. They can in no case be the subject of a diffusion with thirds.
The customer acknowledges having been informed that in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) he has a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition to personal data concerning him. The site is also the subject of a declaration to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés under the number 1713432v0.
- Alcohol abuse : alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume with moderation.

3. Control

Les commandes sont reçues sur le site internet www.cave-dagobert.com Ă  l’aide du bulletin de commande dĂ©matĂ©rialisĂ©. La Cave du Roi Dagobert – Alliance Alsace confirme la commande par e-mail. Cette confirmation n’intervient qu’aprĂšs paiement du prix par l’acheteur.
En cas de rupture d’un ou plusieurs produits commandĂ©s, la Cave du Roi Dagobert – Alliance Alsace en informe le client, soit par mail, soit par tĂ©lĂ©phone. Un produit similaire peut ĂȘtre proposĂ©.
–    En cas de diffĂ©rence sur le montant de la facture, la carte de crĂ©dit ayant servi au paiement de la commande sera re-crĂ©ditĂ©e.
–    En dehors des coffrets cadeaux proposĂ©s sur le site, les expĂ©ditions ne pourront se faire que par cartons de 6 bouteilles soit d’une mĂȘme rĂ©fĂ©rence de vin, soit en panachage de diffĂ©rentes rĂ©fĂ©rences.
–    Tout millĂ©sime Ă©puisĂ© sera remplacĂ© par un millĂ©sime plus rĂ©cent de qualitĂ© Ă©quivalente.

4. Awards

Le prix est indiquĂ© en TTC. Ce prix intĂšgre les coĂ»ts d’expĂ©dition en France mĂ©tropolitaine Ă  partir de 4 cartons (24 bouteilles). Pour une commande infĂ©rieure Ă  ce nombre, une participation forfaitaire de 24€ est demandĂ©e pour les frais d’expĂ©dition.
Les prix appliqués sont ceux indiqués sur le site au moment de la commande.

Quantity discount :
For all wine purchases (excluding shipping packages) and excluding promotional products, an immediately deductible discount is granted:
- 3% discount for all purchases between 100 and 199 € including tax
- 5% discount for all purchases between 200 and 499 € TTC
- 7% discount for all purchases over 500 € including VAT

5. Payment

Le paiement des marchandises s’effectue Ă  la commande par carte bancaire (carte bleue, Visa, Mastercard ; une procĂ©dure sĂ©curisĂ©e de paiement par cryptage des informations a Ă©tĂ© mise en place).
Les clients qui souhaitent payer par chĂšque Ă  l’ordre de « Alliance Alsace » doivent imprimer le bon de commande et l’envoyer par la poste dans une enveloppe timbrĂ©e accompagnĂ©e du chĂšque Ă  l’adresse indiquĂ©e :
Cave du Roi Dagobert, 1 route de Scharrachbergheim 67310 Traenheim.

6. Delivery

The order is prepared and handed over to the carrier within 48 hours (working days) of receipt. The delivery is generally made within 5 days after this delivery.
However, we do not control the delivery times of the carrier and it is wise to allow about ten days between the order and the delivery, during periods of high activity (December), vacation periods (July/August) or periods punctuated by many holidays (bridges in May).

7. Storage conditions - tasting

The products must be stored in temperature conditions that preserve their quality above 5°C and below 25°C.
Our team of oenologists has defined the following serving temperature recommendations: white wines should generally be consumed between 8°C and 10°C, red wines around 12°C and crémants around 8°C.
Certain practices, such as opening a crémant by sabering or letting the cork go (with its wormtail if necessary), drinking directly from the neck, or reusing the bottle, are not considered normal and expected uses of the product.

8. Right of withdrawal

In application of the consumer code, the customer has a period of 14 clear days from the day of delivery of his order to withdraw. Within the 14 days following the communication of his decision to withdraw, he must return to the following address Cave du Roi Dagobert, 1 route de Scharrachbergheim - 67310 Traenheim, either part or all of his order without penalty except for the cost of return. The right of withdrawal can only be exercised on products intact with their labels and in their original packaging.

9. Responsibility

La Cave du Roi Dagobert – Alliance Alsace s’engage Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre tous les moyens pour satisfaire dans les meilleures conditions la commande du client. Cependant, elle ne peut ĂȘtre tenue pour responsable de faits indĂ©pendants de sa volontĂ© (grĂšves, catastrophes naturelles, problĂšmes informatiques et de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, tout Ă©vĂšnement ne permettant pas la bonne exĂ©cution de la commande

10. Identification

Cave du Roi Dagobert – Alliance Alsace
N° Siret : 78935925400016 – RCS Colmar TI789359254– N° TVA FR90 789 359 254
16, rue des Tuileries – 68230 TURCKHEIM
Téléphone :
Fax  :

11. Sample withdrawal form

(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

To the attention of Cave du Roi Dagobert - Alliance Alsace, 1 route de Scharrachbergheim, 67310 TRAENHEIM :

I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the following goods:

Ordered on (*)/received on (*) :

Name of consumer(s):

Consumer(s) Address:

Signature of consumer(s) (only if notifying this form on paper) :

Date: (*)

Cross out what is not applicable.